BVEStation v5 suggestions

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So it has come to my attention that there is a lack of faith among the members about BVEStation.  Some members would rather see a BVEStation takeover by another entity then continue what we're doing right now.  There is also many things we need to work on.  However, my goals is to be more user friendly for the next BVEStation v5.  The previous BVEStations were merely a visual update, and a very minor feature addition.  Its about time we get a major overhaul and its time we plan a new BVEStation.  Something that will last a good few years down the road.  So as opposed to new routes, and trains...
What else would you like to see on BVEStation?  What features would you like to see on the next BVEStation v5 website?  What do you think we can change about the current BVEStation?  Is there a feature of the site that you think we should remove?

Please pitch in your ideas, and I will comment on whether or not it will be feasible to implement.  Remember to take into account whether or not it requires user cooperation, because I have gotten suggestions in the past, and it required the cooperation of other members, but it was never implemented because of the laziness  ;)


Does SMF have a way to automatically lock non - sticky topics if they haven't been posted in 2 months


There is a pruning of topics, but not locking.  There are exceptions to that rule as well, so we cant really lock them.


- Design a brighter more friendly color scheme
- Add a new section for fantasy routes


The new design will have some glass like elements, or chrome silvery elements, its still in its initial design phase, so thats a definite.  The downloads section will get a overhaul with some new features, so yes there will be a section for fictional routes.

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