The Snow Drives MTA Crazy

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Get a load of this....

Snow might be raining hard today, but that's not the bad news. It has also been affecting MTA. I usually take the M7 or the M11 bus back home downtown. However, I had to wait 30 mintues until an M11 showed up. That wasn't the only route that was affected. The M106 had not been running today as wel as the M7s moving back up to Harlem. Bus stops were crowded and the driver probrably wanted to end his shift right there. So, I had to walk 20 blocks back to my apartment building. When I arrived at 96street, I saw a M106. No bigge right? But when it started to move, it turned 45 degrees and almost hit another car. The snow really is affecting us today. Speaking of the snow...I wonder what happened with the subways.

                                                                                         -From a first hand account of KawasakiPlant


The subways ran fine, everytime when there's either rain, or snow, the trains appear to run the fastest.  I have never seen a delay when I take the trains during a rainy or snowy day.  Yesterday though it was a bright sunny day, and there were serious delays on the Queens Line Locals yesterday....  20 minute delays tops.  Horrible.


The 7 train today was fine, even tho it ran outside. If it rains TOO hard sometimes, at least one Queens Blvd station will have flooding problems, but it depends if it is serious enough to affect any line.


the 1 train backed up AGAIN, and I had to wait for like 4 trains to come before I could get on...


wow....seems like only buses were affected badly.

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