Thank you's, New Stuff, and the Future

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I want to thank all the current members who helped us reached the little checkpoint of 4 members  ;D LOL, I wanna thank rockstarrem for helping me get this domain  ;D, and error46146 for the M Train on the far right in the banner!

As you may have known people are getting confused with the navigation, being that the cafeteria is the forum, and the Rider Information is the Tutorials Section, As of now I've added in ()'s what they are.  So you can see what to expect in the future and check out the new things BVEStation will be offering to you!

The tutorials section is up so I hope you all could check out the video tutorials we have given you.  In the future you can submit tutorials to us, and request tutorials from us :)  Just one more thing that BVEStation does things for you!  We also have the downloads section coming soon, as you can see aka the Passenger Tickets section!  Where you the member will be allowed to post your routes.  The Gallery or the Museum will be a collection of images where you can post your images of BVE, you railfanning, or just your images!  Then finally the General Information section which will be the Wiki coming in the near future!  And Track Work or the BVE Developer Tools developed for the newbie developers or people who have not so good memory, we're here to assist you  ;)

For the forums a plethora of fun new features are coming so stay tuned and keep posting!!

Thanks!  :D

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