Signal problems at 59th Street!

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       This morning on the N train, on the way to school, I waited for 5 minutes at New Utrecht Avenue, while other people had to wait for 30 minutes. Finally at about 7:26, an announcement came on and said "Due to an on-going signal problem at 59th street, Manhattan bound N trains will be running on the D line from Stillwell Avenue to 36th street." Then, we all had to flock to the other side of the platform to leave. As I ventured out of the station, I noticed an insane crowd coming out of an R160B at the Coney Island-Bound side. I asked the  man in the Booth, and he said the train was really delayed and was going slow.
       My friend on the other hand, was at Avenue U, where the announcement didn't go off, waited there for 40 minutes, and realized at 7:40, there were no N trains :D. He was late for school. And by the way, I had to walk out the station and walk to school from the station, luckily, my school was only a few blocks away. That was my experience with one of the MTA's service advisories.


for me, the signals problems are nuttin, but the other stuff is, like a stalled train and broken rails. Stalled trains always turn the E and 7 trains into local trains for me, and the broken rails, the E always gets rerouted either in the F or R. The A train always has this "Due to Severe Lateness" thing, and they always do it right before Chambers St. where I get off.


That sucks.


I've been pretty lucky with stalled stuff and service announcements, but the worst was a few years back when the 4,5,6 were shut down b/c of power problems.  First it was "The train will be held momentarily" then "trains are running at reduced speeds" and finally 20 minutes later it was "no service at this time," at which point a gave up and headed over to the West Side for a roundabout way to school.


that hurt your attendance lol.

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