1980s Subway Photos on NYCSubway.org

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NYCSubway.org has recently uploaded a whole bunch of subway photos from the 1980s...not too many photos exist from that time period, so it is always nice to see some from then.

Here are a few I found interesting:

The lines at the Token Booths...not something you'd see that often anymore today; also note the old-style turnstiles.

R46's still had the blue stripe and train conductors wore the fancy hat (not something you see too often today); in my opinion that gives the job some sort of dignity and not just some random dead-end job

Redbirds on the 42nd Street Shuttle.

A graffiti filled train at Boro Hall in Brooklyn.

Pennsylvania Ave on the 3. Doesn't look that much different 30 years later...

To see the rest of the set:
http://nycsubway.org/perl/imgdate?20101209 (look at the uploads from 12-9 to 12-6)


Some beautiful shots there.


I can't imagine how bad Boro Hall would've been before the "Wet Paint."


NO Metrocards!!!

Only tokens

Look at Boro Hall with the train with heavy graffiti.

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