R1/9 Holiday Vintage Train Running this year

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The vintage train (Holiday Run) will be running from 11/28 to 12/26 from 10:00AM (1000 hrs) until 5:00PM (1700 hrs) from Lower East Side-2 Avenue to Queens Plaza. There will be extra security (train personnel) to prevent the "incident" we had last year (just a heads up). Train will run lite from Jamaica Yard to 2nd Avenue to start service. Happy railfanning people (I may be on board sometimes).


Nice, thanks for the heads up. It runs every hour or something like that right?


I'm assuming every sunday?


Kevin let me know what day you taking the train because maybe we can meet up :)
I like the Vintage ride alot


Just out of curiosity, what is this "incident"? I haven't heard of any incident that involved the vintage cars.

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