BVE Scene 8 published, BVE Library announced

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Ladies and gentlemen, it gives us great pleasure to announce the continuation of Eezypeazy's BVE Scene, his monthly newsletter to the BVE world. Eezypeazy has not been able to devote much time to BVE of late because of other commitments, and has given us his blessing to take over the publication of BVE Scene. We thank Eezypeazy for his tremendous contributions in the past, and look forward to his return one day!

BVE Scene number 8 can be downloaded just here:

Furthermore, with the help of Sulzer Surfer, I have opened a brand new website,, The BVE Library. Our intention is to build BVE Library into a massive store of material to make the life of a BVE developer easier. There will be a large object library, a host of Openbve exteriors, utilities, articles and all the links you should need to BVE sites worldwide.

Of course, such a venture will be massive, and will depend upon contributions from BVE users too, so if you have any material you wish to see published, then please feel free to contact either Guillyman or Sulzer Surfer at BVE Terminus, or email Guillyman at alanwheeler12<at>yahoo<dot>com


Al.  :D


Very nice, and thanks for releasing the objects for the usage of the BVE community! I always appreciate someone whose willing to give back to the community.


i like it

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