Does BVEstation have a OpenBVE Server?

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R62 rider:

i need help installing the newest version of openbve mulity player.

can you help me?


There are several different versions of the multiplayer.

If you downloaded the version from this page,  There are no servers online, and you will have to run your own server.

If you downloaded the version from the link given on Teamspeak, you will use the default server which is automatically entered in the client, and you cannot change it, so all you have to do is click connect.

If you downloaded the brand new beta version given to Teamspeak users to test, you will use as the server.  This is currently not really available to the public, but it is available to Teamspeak members privately.

There are 3 different versions, the last beta version isn't necessarily public, the link on Teamspeak is public for Teamspeak users and the one on BVEStation is public for everyone.  There will be updates to unify the 3 soon, as a recommendation you should download the version from the link on Teamspeak, as it is the easiest to use.  Hope this helps.

R62 rider:

ok and thanks but i am geting a weird error message about options.cfg

any ideas?

Post Merge: September 19, 2010, 07:25:35 AMNever mind i figured it out. the folder was set as read only.

Thanks for the help anyway


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