Coming Soon (Trains for every line in OpenBVE R153 and maybe R32)

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Hi. I am working with trainspot12 hopefully if he approves there will be trains for each route in openBVE instead of having to use for example the A on the J line. Each train will have their assigned route letter. That way its more realistic. Heres some snapshots i took.


Two things.

1. Wrong section.
2. You probably should've waited until he approved before you started posting pictures. What if he doesn't?



I would be able to approve it once I see the actual train file. Can you email the actual file please thank you?


Is the website for the train sign newyorkcitytransitforums


Quote from: alanr160b on August 18, 2010, 08:53:21 PM
Is the website for the train sign newyorkcitytransitforums

Yes it is, You have to be a member in order to use those...

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