Object Bender

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The new Object Bender, which curves objects, is now available on the developing pages on OpenBVE.  The Object Bender bends objects by taking 1 smaller section of an object and clones copies of that section until it reaches the specified point, while curving it at the same time.  So if a track section was 5 meters, Object Bender will take that 5 meter section, copy it 5 times and curve it.

What this program doesn't do is taking an existing 25 meter object and curve it.

You can download the program here, http://openbve.trainsimcentral.co.uk/develop/tool_objectbender.html

Available for both Command Line and GUI usage.


Quote from: ipaclansite on August 17, 2010, 05:11:23 PM
The new Object Bender which curves objects is now available on the developing pages on OpenBVE.  The Object Bender bends objects by taking 1 smaller section of an object and basically cloning copies of that section until it reaches the specified point, while curving it at the same time.  So if a track section was 5 meters, Object Bender will take that 5 meter section, copy it 5 times and curve it.

What this program doesn't do is taking an existing 25 meter object and curving it.

You can download the program here, http://openbve.trainsimcentral.co.uk/develop/tool_objectbender.html

Available for both Command Line and GUI usage.


Can this be used for Real BVE?



Yes, this can be used for any BVE, as it curves either B3D or CSV objects.



this is by far the most useful program she's made. No offense to any of the OpenBVE supporters out there


Yep it works for regular BVE, as it generates standard b3d and csv files.  The program was actually created by a japanese guy, then posted it on OpenBVE's Forum, and michelle decided to take it and brand it as OpenBVE, of course the permission was "given" since the program was originally released under public domain, michelle just added a GUI to it to make it easier to use, before that the program was similar to SWITCH with a command line interface.

If we were to curve our current tracks, platforms and tunnels, our objects must be shortened to ~5 meters (more or less depending on how smooth you want the curve and how many polygons) so the program can do its job at curving them to 25 meters.

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