NYCTBA staff members and job titles

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these are the people who can help you in your NYCTBA needs.

Custom Title:  NYCTBA Chief Executive Officer
Job Title: OverSee The NYCTBA

Name:  spadez1641
Custom Title:  NYCTBA Vice Executive Officer/Head Dispatch Relations Officer
Job Title: OverSee The NYCTBA

Name:  westendmamaz
Custom Title:  the Director Of The NYCTBA M.I
Job Title: Oversee the NYCTBA M.I

name:   joseto
Custom Title:   NYCTBA Motorman Instuctor
Job Title: Train the motormen for revenue service

name:   1221 - streetriot,1444 - nyctrman,1501 arrancar4,1521 joseto,1641 - spadez,1853 - r-deuces,1980 -ipclansite,phantom909
Custom Title:   NYCTBA Technical Relations Officer
Job Title: Oversee T/S and T/S events

name: Arran (Arrancar4)
Custom Title:   NYCTBA Inspector
Job Title: oversee Any suspected cheating/lying or breaking the rules

Custom Title:   NYCTBA Event Planner
Job Title: plan events for the NYCTBA

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