(train of thought) great words from BMTsub1226 nyctba

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this will help new and current motormen.if you have a problem getting good scores for you run.

The New Technology is a blessing, but you gotta know how to use it properly. You have to first study the weight and size of the car. It is easier to handle a B-Division car (Lettered Lines) than an A-division car (Numbered Lines) because they are heavier, therefore easier to control. So operating an R142 will be different from operating an R160. This is where the breaking system comes in. In order to become a pro at this job, you have to learn how to deeply respect the speed limits and signals. A division lines have it different than the B division lines.

The Old Technology trains are great, because they have been around so long that everyone is used to manual operations. They may be slightly harder, but require the same advice. For me, I am used to the older technology, but it has similar steps to the automatics. When starting a train, it is recommended to follow this:

Release the break, but slowly start on P1 for the throttle which is to the left of the red snow break. Then you slowly advance your way to full throttle. When you have reached a speed around the speed limit, neutralize (N) the throttle, and once you come in close to a station, slowly break the train, and try to get a perfect stop, or at least in the range of the stop marker that you must stop at. Make sure that you apply a slight break on the train before you are ready to take off.

Its good to see a train operator that has a very smooth ride, and its not so good to see a train operator that breaks hard.

Any other information, just PM me...

2 Train Master:

Some experience from me is don't do full service b\c it will result in passenger discomfort.Coming in the station around 35mph-45mph(56kph-72kph) is fine but don't go full service slowly brake there to avoid penalties.It's annoying and when you depart don't go Parallel that may result in discomfort go P2 then P3-parallel and enjoy ur ride to ur next destination stops.Learn from our fellow youtube uploaders bve vids.Or visit mines www.youtube.com/r142abve


Quote from: 4_Jerome Av LCL on May 25, 2010, 07:26:58 PM
Some experience from me is don't do full service b\c it will result in passenger discomfort.Coming in the station around 35mph-45mph(56kph-72kph) is fine but don't go full service slowly brake there to avoid penalties.It's annoying and when you depart don't go Parallel that may result in discomfort go P2 then P3-parallel and enjoy ur ride to ur next destination stops.Learn from our fellow youtube uploaders bve vids.Or visit mines www.youtube.com/r142abve

Streetriot made a little tutorial a long time ago... it actually helped me. I read it to remember a few of the things DJ Hammers tought me about operating a train... anyways here it is... http://www.bvestation.com/forums/index.bves.topic=3207.0

Dj Hammers:

A little trick i do is to go directly to P2 from a stop and then jump up to P3 while the train is lurching forward during P2. That way I eliminate the larger and more uncomfortable jerk when going into P3. If you time it just right you won't get a passenger discomfort.


Hey that's what I do...

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