Youtube Videos + Screenshots

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Hey guys, I'm looking for youtube videos of you guys running the routes.  There are a bunch of them on youtube, but I would rather you guys create new ones, then have me put the ones you guys made onto the new downloads section.  Simply record and upload to youtube.  I would recommend you guys use the default train that the route wants, but you dont have to.  The videos must be from a screen capturer, not from your camera taking a picture of your computer screen, none.  I need 1 for every route we have in the downloads section, if there are multiple ones, then I'll be picking the best candidate to fit.  You can go ahead and post the youtube video here.

1. Video must be from a screen capturing software (No using your camera to take a video of your computer screen)
2. Video must have sound
3. The video must NOT contain any modified material
4. No compilations, the video must not jump around, like between 71st and Roosevelt then later dissolve into Cortlandt Street to Pacific, don't do that.  See what you can do below.
5. No G.O. Runs, unless the route has them included, like the G's battery run.
6. No exterior runs, or railfanning views.  Stay in the cab only.

1. No need to put a title image on the video, on my G trailer you see some info in the beginning, we dont need that, I recommend you dont do that at all.
2. Use the default train the route wants, you dont have to, but its recommended.
3. Try to operate the train like a real Train Operator would
4. Use BVE 2/4 for better sounds sake, unless the route has a OpenBVE alternative with a OpenBVE train.
5. You dont need to do the whole route, you can do short portions just don't cut and paste portions. I dont think you can upload it that long anyway.

Eventually we will need screenshots for the new downloads section, but those can wait, just have em ready when BVEStation v5 is released :)

Thanks guys!


I had an idea of running the V express between Roosevelt and Forest hills, and i switched to the express track through BRR... can i still do that


Thats another thing, do not do GO's, So no you cant do that sorry.

We're trying to give users an idea of what they'll be operating once their download is complete, not "other possibilities" because it may cause confusion to users.

I've made more edits to the post above to requirements and recommendations.  If you have anymore questions please feel free to ask.  If you already made a video, you can post it here.  Posting it here basically tells us that we have permission to use your video on the downloads section.


how many videos will u take for one route?


OK, I could do this:

BVE 2 & 4 Compatible Routes:  I could do videos and screenshots of ANY route (2nd generation, 4th generation...)
openBVE Routes: Screenshots and videos for some routes (A Shuttle, the 2, second generation)

Also i dont see why it has to be in the cab.  You can see more of the route when we are in the exterior view

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