What is a skeleton, and why cant you release it Route FAQ

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I also figured alot of people are wondering whats going on, why cant you release it, etc...  So here's a little FAQ

Q: What is a skeleton?
A: A skeleton is a route with all the basics of what the route consists of.  Mostly the tracks, and blank stations, and thats basically it.  These routes have no detail, usually no smooth curves, no signals, no nothing, its completely bare.

Q: Why don't we release skeletons?
A: Do you really want to drive a route like this?

If you do then there are several ones at b-v-e.info that you can download there.

Q: How long does it take to create a route?
A: There is NO set time on how long it takes to create a route, it can take anywhere from 1 hour to 5 years.  This all depends on how much free time we have, and how much time we are willing to devote to BVE.  Remember we do this for free, and for your entertainment.  We dont have to create these routes for you, so be patient, wait, and respect what we do, because without our free time dedicated to BVE, you wouldn't be playing anything today.
I forgot to mention that non-fiction routes take double the time to develop since the route builders have to go there first hand to check things out, and match where objects are and etc.

Q: When is the release date of X route?
A: We cant give you exact release dates of ANY route.  That is up to the authors decision.  Giving release dates, and then telling everyone that it will be delayed would piss alot of people off.  Setting these times are bad for the developers since they make us rush and make you get all hyped for something that will probably never happen.  Dont ask us for progress reports, or release dates.  We will give them when we can.  We dont have all the time in the world for BVE.

Q: You guys take too long cant you work any faster?
A: Why dont you try creating a route, and see how long it takes for yourself.  You can learn how here: http://www.freewebs.com/dennislance/

Q: Why dont you guys just release what you have?
A: We dont have to release anything, its stupid to release things little by little, because it literally takes hours to package and distribute it to you, when we could be using those hours to build more.  Its more easier for us to pack it when we're all done, so we save time, and you guys dont have to get these downloads every so often.  Again this is the authors decision, so its their decision.  In addition we'll be sending you something that could be potentially buggy, bugs,problems, etc.  Something that was untested and given to everybody, isn't cool.  You wouldn't want to play a route with tons of problems.

I believe I answered most of your questions, so if you have anymore please feel free to ask it here.

2 Train Master:

i would like to create a route. 4 train from woodlawn to 125th st


Acyually Kevin, that`s not a skeleton, that is a 2001 BVE State of the art route from 2001, when BVE had a lot more limitatiuons than it has now. This is a skeleton:

This is from my LIRR West Hempstead skeleton. That is looking at Hempstead Gardens, and no it is not being worked on now, so don`t anybody ask.



Ok I've updated it with that.


hey, at least it has better tracks XD

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