Route/Object Building Classes

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For those of you who have moderate to good internet connections and have Teamspeak 3 installed on your computers and wish to learn how to do the following:

Route and Object building

Can join me in the development center of the Teamspeak server every Friday and Saturday evenings, from 7 to 11:30PM. This is an optional class and you are open to join if you would like to know how the development process is done and/or wiah to learn. Recordings will be placed here in this topic if you've missed a session. Sign up below.


***These classes have been suspended momentarily. When I hear from BStyles about getting them back on, I will unlock this.***


Yeah, I will join also my hard drive was being fixied that's why I wasn't on for about a week.


I'm in for some route/object building classes.

2 Train Master:

I'll sign up,I guess

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