The R175 Project

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I will be attempting to make a R175 train.

B Division:
replaces the R32,44
based on NTTS


That sounds good man.. Good Luck.. Im anxious too see how a R175 looks



Propulsion: Not known
Loop: R142
Emr Brake: R142
Klaxon: R160
Doors: R142A
CP start,loop,end: R160B siemens
Rub: R160A Alstom
Air,Air zero: R160B Alstom
Point: R142A
Run: R142
Flange: R142A and R143

Post Merge: January 01, 2010, 10:46:26 AMI'm now working on the exterior


That R bullet on the side - exactly what I was thinking!

One question - is that R bullet going to be the reuse of rollsigns, or is it a screen just like the FIND display?


No rollsigns. Designing a find could use that sign

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