RouteBuilder Practice by race - Part 4

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So, let's make some more interesting.
This route will be a modified "howto underground" project route. Of course, it will be fictional.
For example, we will add a branching after "East Road" station. We will rename it to "Central Road". How to do it - you should be familiar with Nickgoh_45's tutorial, "how to build complex trackwork" article of RB Manual and previous parts of this tutorial. Simply select the station in list, rename it and click "Set". Don't use "add new point and connect" command, else it won't work! Use the "Grid Tracks" menu.
Here is the trackwork of the branching:

For tracks on switches don't use walls, but use at the edge track "uground_wall" object. Between parallel tracks use the "open_tiles_concrete" wall(on 3-track route) or don't use it(on 2-track route).

For branching stations, we will add two stations on each branch - for example Harbourvale Street** and Gravedigger Race Street. They will be as the Main Place stations, but with this trackwork:

For adding the same stations, you should be familiar with "how to build underground" article in RB Manual. Then connect them with branching using the connect points command. Then create routedefinitions in two bounds: Harbourvale-bound and Gravedigger-bound. Then add station signs created with RBAStationSigns addon, then people as free objects, then sounds. NOTE: Don't use microphone, generate them using Microsoft Sam Text-To-Speech engine for better quality. The messages must be like in   NYCT. For example:
                                  "This is Central Road. This is Harbourvale-bound train, next stop is Harbourvale St, stand clear of the closing doors please".

"This is Gravedigger Race St, this is the last stop! Last stop! Everybody off the train, please!"or

"This is Gravedigger-bound train, next stop is Central Road, stand clear of the closing doors please".
This route has overhead wires electrification, and all subway trains have powered by 3rd rail, so don't use them. An exception are  Japanese TRTA08 and TRTA8000 trains, or use EMU with overhead power instead of subway trains. Don't use DMU: they pollute tunnels, this is dangerous!!! Don't use London Underground trains: they have 4th rail power!!!
*DMU-diesel motor unit, EMU-electric motor unit.
**I don't violate Nickgoh_45's copyright, the Harbourvale St station is called in honour of Harbourvale line.
P.S. the ready-to-use .rbp source is in the attach. It doesn't contain objects and signs, it's only for evaluation and  modifying at your own point of view, e.g. adding new stations or objects et cetera.
P.S.S the route will work correctly on openBVE.
In the next part I will tell you about electrifications of BVE routes used on generic track types in RouteBuilder. This will be important while building a route and selecting a train.

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