The R143 Project

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Dj Hammers:

Ok this will be my second project for OpenBVE, and will take longer to make since it will be made from scratch mostly.
Anyway, expect pics by next week as I have little to show now (the panel is not even close to looking like the R143).

PS anyone with motor sounds of the R143 taken from inside the car, please let me use them.


I cant wait until this route is done I like the way you make train Hammers. You should ask Trevor for some motor sounds. And will there be one that sounds like a siemens propulsion or kawasaki? Will the interior and exterior be done? Oh lord I am askinq too many questions lol sorry ;D  :-X ;D

Dj Hammers:

this train will be the regular R143, the siemens R143 has been converted back in to a normal one now anyway.
I'll ask JayJay if I could edit his R160B views to look like the R143.


Oh I rode it b4 It was chanqed I was shocked to hear the sound but hey qood luck with this train Hammers


There is only one type of R143, and it is made by Bombardier(or Kawasaki). It only has one propulsion. The L has a mixture of R143s and R160s, check the flags on the front of the train.

If the R143 had a different type of propulsion, it would be considered fictional

I'm pretty sure since you and Jayjay are making interior views, he'll let you use them(hopefully). Can't wait to see some update pics.

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