how to make BVE2 work nvidia video cards

Pages: (1/1)


does BVE2 keep crashing/or its becomes yellow? well heres tutorial on how to make it work.
PLEASE NOTE!!!!!!!!!!!! RESULTS ARE NOT GUARANTEED BVE2 may work,but after an 30 mins-1 hour,it may still go yellow,this is due do to fact of nvidia drivers switching to OpenGL mode while playing,then this triggers the yellow screen. because it will no longer will use  DirectX to render the graphics

nvidia video cards=OpenGL rendering
ATI video cards=directX rendering
this doesnt mean that ATI video cards dont have open GL and nvidia video cards dont have direct X,this just means they work better and support better under these functions.
step 1
right click and go to nvidia control panel

step 2 after you clicked it,a screen like this should pop up,click "manage 3D settings"

step 3 after you clicked it should look like this

step 4 click the "add" button

step 5 now look for your bve location

step 6 now click BVE.exe

step 7 now look how i set it up.look at these 2 images and change the setting so it can look like this.
(since the images were to small,i posted the links to the photos for a clearer view)
now BVE2 should run t least 20-30 fps and could run for a god 30 minutes before it switches to openGL mode.
 hope this helps!


this should be in the tutorial section

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