passenger discomfort

Pages: (1/1)


do u ever wonder why u get alot of passenger discomfort when u operating the r142,r143 and r160.
let me try to help u.ok for instance let say u at a station and u ready to depart,u will put your train in 2-Series to get the train moving, once is moving u could put in 3-Parallel. now when u want to slow down or stop u will put mc in 3-parallel to 2-series and then 1-switching to put back in nutria. the whole object is to not have the train to jerk which is most likely why u get passenger discomfort. u cant inspect for you to put your train in 2 series then drop all the way to neutral and not get a passenger discomfort because u will.

note that if you are operating the r142,r143 and the r160, what ever mc position is u will have to put in neutral then quickly put in the next position lower.
example ......... p3, n, p2, n p1 n, or p2, n, p1 n, or p1 n   


Thats basically the idea of a smooth startup and slowdown.

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