openBVE Station Error

Pages: (1/1)


Now, Harbourvale Line v3 is currently being upgraded to v4. I want to add in the 'Doors Closing' sounds too.

But while in the midst, I used the Station Generator and this error kept popping up:

The command " is not supported at line 656, column 2 in file D:\OpenBVE\Railway\Route\Harbourvale Line v3\Harbourvale Line.csv
The command " is not supported at line 656, column 3 in file D:\OpenBVE\Railway\Route\Harbourvale Line v3\Harbourvale Line.csv

It affects the route because the station Kegstone is not even identified.

I identified the line in the route file. The line goes like this:

875  .Sta Kegstone;18.223;18.225;;1;0;;;5;100;Doors Closing 2.wav;,

Can someone help me out in this instance, or is there a problem with the coding?


Try changing it to
875,  .sta Kegstone;18.2230;18.2250;;1;0;;;5;100;Doors Closing 2.wav;,


Nope, it didn't work...


I'm not sure whats wrong then, try using the station generator under Scripts to see if you can generate another .sta line.

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