Dual Boot Windows XP on vista so you can run BVE if the DLLS dont work

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ok... the 3 DLLS dont work :(, you have a little bit of RAM and dont want to be so limited with Windows Virtual PC when playing BVE... this might help u dual boot XP so yo ucould run BVE without so limited... this can help :).

How To Install Dual Boot OS

(its very hard)

pls read the rest of the topic before asking questions...

once XP is installed boot windows XP and download and play your BVE routes ;D

(this is not my vid and im not to blame if u do somthing wrong


Nice. Dual booting isn't really for the inexperienced unless they want to go through all the heart aches. If your computer is fast enough, VM can be an option.


u should run BVE in VM if u got 2 or more GB


oh yeah... for u ppl who dont read here r the programs used

optional: if u want to find a way to get BVE to work on ubuntu linux


GAG boot manager

(gparted and gag are both open source programs)


btw sorry for triple pst but im under mod. so i cant do anything about it...
1. skip the ubuntu part
2. download isoburner DONT USE ISORECRODER (i dont trust iso recorder yet) http://download.cnet.com/Active-ISO-Burner/3000-2646_4-10602452.html
3. you'll need the instalion disk for XP or the iso image
4. youll need 3-4 blank cds
5. For advanced/expierenced users
6 youll be using ur phsyical hardware on your dual boot OS so yeah...
here is a pic of dual boot

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