NYCTA IRT 7 (Test walls only)

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Ok so check it out, this isn't the 7, but you may or may not see them in the 7, what started out as a secret project a few weeks ago is now stopped because of new information that arose.  As you can see this was built on OpenBVE's Route Builder Platform and has no errors, but all that is scrapped and may be recycled in the new 7 thats coming out, so this is for eyes only, enjoy.

Times Square

5th Avenue

45th Road Courthouse Square

2 Train Master:



Nice Job


Something doesn't look that dazzling in those screenshots....It seems like it's missing some elements....


Quote from: Kawasaki_Plant on February 19, 2009, 06:14:18 PM
Something doesn't look that dazzling in those screenshots....It seems like it's missing some elements....


Oh really? Why don`t you try to make something half that good.


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