How to run BVE 2 routes on BVE 4 (Convert RW to CSV) by ipaclansite

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How to run BVE 2 routes on BVE 4
by ipaclansite

BVE 2 and 4
The route (Object and Trains)
BVE Route Randomizer.
Difficulty: Medium-Advanced (More directory manipulation, Lots of steps)

How to run BVE 2 routes on BVE 4 (with the help of BVE Route Randomizer)

Ok so you want to run that BVE 2 route on BVE 4 for whatever reason... Well with the help of BVE Route Randomizer this is possible.

1. First off, lets download that BVE 2 route.
2. Then get BVE Route Randomizer.
3. Check the BVE Route Randomizer Tutorial, and follow it, when
your done come back here :)
4. Now BVE Route Randomizer created a secret file, called
brrtemp.csv THIS is the route you just converted to BVE 4.
5. Lets go to the location where you installed BVE 2.
C:\Program Files\BVE\Railway\Route
6. There you should see the brrtemp.csv
7. Right click brrtemp.csv then click copy.
8. Now lets navigate to BVE 4's directory.
C:\Program Files\mackoy\BVE4\Railway\Route
9. Right click in any blank space and click Paste.
10. Now lets rename that file.
11. Right Click brrtemp.csv in the BVE 4 directory, to whatever the route is.
12. Now we're done. Just make sure you go back to the BVE 2 directory to get all the nessecary files, the Train folder, and the object folder, and the sound folder if applicable.
13. Start up BVE 4, load the route, your all done :)
14. You can now have all the features of BVE 4 in your BVE 2 route!

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