BVE2 on Vista

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Amtrak Train 7 Empire Builder:

There's many guides to make BVE4 work, but not 2. I need help on this subject. ???


Maybe the hackers are still working on it. :)

Amtrak Train 7 Empire Builder:

Heh, that's good info. *waits for the hackers to finish that part, because they can* *complains and yells at my computer for having Windows Vista*


Did you try this?

Or you can always do a Dual Boot XP install, or use Virtual PC and use your XP box in the virtual machine.  It may be slow but hopefully it'll be playable, just dont play any super detailed routes  :D

Amtrak Train 7 Empire Builder:

I tried the transitstuff thing, no avail. How do I use Virtual PC?

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