Downloads Section COMPLETE!!!

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The download section has reopened with a fresh new integrated look :)
To celebrate, the 7 Line has been placed at the downloads section, and is modified to work with error's R62a.  So make sure you get error's R62a (also in the downloads section) and check it out, I tried it today, feels very realistic :D!!  I hope you all like the new look!


That fast?? Wow!

And thank you for including my awesome R62A  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


ok i have a problem here i downloaded the cars you had put up
but can't download the routes you have.when i do it shows up as a zipped
file and it won't let me download. could you help me with this.


Your supposed to download the zip file, then unzip it through windows, or WinZip, or other unzipping utilities then you place the unzipped files in the BVE directory, or in this case BVE's Train directory.


i tryed doing that but it tells me the file is ethier invaled or corrupted.
i have a feeling i may have to fix my computer to make it work

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